1:1 Immersive Mentoring

Redesign Your Life
to Be More

1:1 Immersive Mentoring

Redesign Your Life to Be More Intentional

Welcome, Beautiful!

If you desire more meaning and purpose in your life, experiences of joy, aliveness, and love, then softening into an honest relationship with yourself is a prerequisite.

I’m passionate about helping soul-led women reveal the deepest part of themselves and reclaim the abandoned selves that desire to feel seen, heard, respected and self-trusting.

As a Shadow Work Mentor & Spiritual Guide, I will teach you how to meet life’s adversities in a more graceful, nourishing way.

Blessings, Lana  

Welcome, Beautiful!

If you want to experience more joy, love, aliveness, and meaning in your life, you must develop an honest relationship with yourself.

I am dedicated to helping women who lead with their hearts to find tools, practices, and ways to live in a centred, calm, clear and soulful way so they feel less stressed, exhausted, and disenchanted with life.

As a Shadow Work Mentor and Spiritual Guide, I will teach you how to safely release control and meet life’s adversities in a more graceful, nourishing way.

Resistance to Growth

Often when we are being asked to grow, resistance can surface. We might feel it in our bodies, in places of holding, gripping, and stiffness. We might feel it in our hearts, the areas that cling and the places that hide. We might feel it in our minds as control or limiting beliefs.

The path to moving through resistance is meeting it, coming right up to it, allowing ourselves to feel it, getting to know it, and embodying it.  So how does resistance shape you?  How does it move or not move?

Resistance can be a call to action. That's why it feels uncomfortable.

It reflects the two energies pulling apart within us: the energy that wants to grow and transform and the energy that wants to stay the same and be safe.  Only when we soften our resistance and yield to the natural discomfort of growth can we return safely home to our bodies.

What People Say

"I have experienced working with Lana, and it has enhanced and progressed my inner journey with grace and alignment that I could never have done on my own.  She is a master teacher, and if you feel ready, she can be trusted to guide you on your path with wisdom and ease."

Patricia Laplante

"I know we have not known each other long, but I feel such a strong connection to you and am so honoured to have met and worked with you.  I look forward to continuing my self-love, healing, and discovery journey and having you be a part of it."

Melanie Seguin

Resistance to

Often when we are being asked to grow, resistance can surface. We might feel it in our bodies, in places of holding, gripping, and stiffness.

We might feel it in our hearts, the areas that cling and the places that hide. We might feel it in our minds as control or limiting beliefs.

The path to moving through resistance is meeting it, coming right up to it, allowing ourselves to feel it, getting to know it, and embodying it. 

So how does resistance shape you?  How does it move or not move?

Resistance can be a call to action. That's why it feels uncomfortable.

It reflects the two energies pulling apart within us: the energy that wants to grow and transform and the energy that wants to stay the same and be safe. 

Only when we soften our resistance and yield to the natural discomfort of growth can we return safely home to our bodies.

What People Say

"I have experienced working with Lana, and it definitely has enhanced and progressed my inner journey with grace and alignment that I could never have done on my own.  She is a master teacher, and if you feel ready, she can be trusted to guide you on your path with wisdom and ease."

Patricia Laplante

"I know that we have not known each other long, but I feel such a strong connection to you and am so honored to have met you and work with you.  I am so looking forward to continuing on my journey of self-love, healing, and discovery and having you be a part of it."

Melanie Seguin

What We Want

Over 22 years as a Shadow Work Mentor, Spiritual Coach, medicine woman, healer, and yoga teacher, I believe what we sincerely want is:

To be able to feel aliveness and vitality while sharing ourselves.

A sense of deeper connection and belonging.

To embody more self-trust and resilience for meeting life's adversities with more grace.

And to have meaningful pursuits that nourish, feel fulfilling and have an impact.

The courageous soul-led women who work with me have come to recognize that we can only continue to pour ourselves out to others by doing the inner work that keeps us centred in our feeling of internal fullness. 

Is this you?

You've done a lot of growth work and feel self-aware.

Yet, it would be best to have strong support to help Alchemize all that's coming up to be reviewed, experienced, and felt so you can energetically clear it and move forward gracefully.

If this resonates, I'd love to chat!


Chakra Mentorship
& Breathwork Healing Container

This is For YouIf:

  • You seek a solid place to receive clarity, insight, and guidance on navigating your journey.
  • You feel solid, capable, and ready for something more, even if nervously excited and unsure of what.

  • You are at an internal shifting point with your life, mission, vision, and desire for more impact.

  • You want to disentangle the emotions that prevent you from trusting in the flow of life and intuition.

  • You know you are here for something and need a hand to hold that offers strong foundational support and tools to move into this next glorious place in your life.

What you Receive:

  • Two 1:1 mentorship guidance Zoom calls or in-person 60-min sessions per month for three months.

  • One therapeutic breathwork healing & energy-clearing session per month for three months.

  • A per-session selection of guided personal reflection inquiries to support your transformation.

  • Email access to me with a 1-day response time and text messages.

Payment + Bonuses:

  • Payment Plan Bonus: Access to pre-recorded teachings: Coming Home & Embodiment, Sacral Chakra & Emotional Body, and Solar Plexus & Personal Power, dripped monthly
    value $666).

  • The investment: $600/month for three months.

  • Pay in Full Bonus: Access to teachings mentioned above and: Awakening the Heart Chakra, Vata Dosha: Balancing the Heart, and Inner CALM Method.  (receive ALL teachings value $1132). (Click Here) 

This is for you if:

  • You seek a solid place to receive clarity, insight, and guidance on navigating your journey.
  • You are at an internal shifting point with your life, mission, vision, and desire for more impact.  
  • You want to disentangle the emotions that prevent you from trusting in the flow of life and intuition.
  • You feel solid, capable, and ready for something more, even if you are nervously excited and unsure of what.
  • You know you are here for something and need a hand to hold that offers strong foundational support.
  • You have the resources to invest in yourself and the discipline to stay aligned with your process.

What you Receive:

  • Two 1:1 mentorship guidance Zoom calls or in-person sessions per month for four months.
  • A per-session selection of guided personal reflection inquiries to support your transformation. 
  • Email access to me with a 1-day response time and text messages (within reason).

Payment + Bonuses:

  • Payment Plan Bonus: Access to pre-recorded teaching activations: Coming Home & Embodiment, Sacral Chakra & Emotional Body, and Solar Plexus & Personal Power dripped monthly (value $666).
  • The investment: $600/month for three months.

  • Pay in Full Bonus: Access to teachings mentioned above and: Awakening the Heart Chakra and Vata Dosha: Balancing Air & Ether Elements, and,
  • Inner CALM Method digital course and all above-mentioned teachings (value $1132).

HowI Show Up:

My great blessing (and curse) is that my entire life has been a series of, often, brutal initiations. This left me seeking to understand better what I was experiencing, and learn to be more accepting, receptive and humble enough to meet them gracefully.

I have spent 30 years travelling the globe to study with the world's most respected wisdom teachers in fields that stretched from:

Addiction and abandonment, yoga and sacred sexuality, depression and shadow work, shamanism to ayahuasca journeys, nourishment and personal transformation, to running a first-class energy medicine business.

In Short ...

In short, I am well-equipped with an extensive, world-class medicine bundle of tools to support you. I will coach, lead, and mentor intuitively, with all of me, not holding any part back.

You will receive gifts, skills, and tools from my mind, heart, body, and spirit to guide you toward equilibrium.

My magic is helping you to more gracefully navigate the challenges of being a soul in a dense human body.

So, when we say yes to working together, we work collaboratively with spirit to access the most extraordinary grace for your life.

Your One Life

We must embrace change, or we will falter. By taking personal responsibility for our lives and shaking off immature patterns of victim mind and disempowerment, we can soften into trusting life.

High-Touch Coaching Packages

Life is uncertain. The following pathways help you become a master of uncertainty.  Transform the emotional density of your shadows into insights. Alchemize emotional self-doubt into courageous, truthful expression, and raise your frequency to be a receptive channel of aligned Abundance.

Transform Coaching


Transform teaches you to walk with your fears, clear emotional blocks, and befriend your shadows; the unmet, unintegrated parts of you that still hurt so you grow in self-trust and courage.
Alchemy Coaching


Heart Alchemy purifies, distills, and clarifies the wisdom of your heart so you're left with the gold! Here's where you evolve through challenges, confidently speak your truth. create a new story and raise your attractor frequency.
Abundance Coaching


Aligned Abundance is energetic. You are called to create and dream your life, Reconnect with your magnetism and radiance. act on divine inspiration and impulse, and channel for the flow of life.

"Thank you so much. You have an ability that makes me feel honestly heard, understood, and not judged. 

It is a quality that I admire, and I hope to reflect when working with others because I think it is incredibly freeing, and the feeling it brings is transformative."

Kayla Alexis

"Lana, thank you for teaching me how to have compassion and love for myself. I did not think I could or would emerge from the deep darkness affecting my waking moments. 

Your insight, guidance, and wisdom taught me how to become the "ME" who I was always meant to be."

Natalie Gerow

"Thank you for hearing me with every fiber of your being, for helping me become more aware, present,  and accepting that I am in this 

      moment to honor, meet the energy and emotions moving through me, feel and learn from it, breathe into it, and then let go of whatever is ready to be released."

Daria Dziuba

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I work with a coach rather than figuring it out myself?

Having a coach is like having personal support, a mentor, and an objective guide, allowing you to see things you might miss so you can more readily move through obstacles.

What makes Lana qualified to give me advice?

I have had first-hand experience recovering after two burnouts and physical challenges that manifested from that. I have been a single mother and a solopreneur, coaching on all things wellness for over 20 years, and have taken endless courses that supported me in returning to wholeness and self-trust.

How do I justify working with a coach?

When we feel internally unsettled and unwell, we will find ways to numb the pain by purchasing things to temporarily self-soothe. Consider how you might be wasting money and see this as an opportunity to invest in your overall well-being to become more aligned with a pull rather than push energy, meaning more ease.

Where will I find the money to work with you?

If this money isn’t readily available to you right now, what can you do to get it? Maybe sell some items around the house, borrow the money from the bank, or a family member or friend who sees your worth and wants to help you become more whole and self-trusting ~ the options are limitless, just like you.

Do you guarantee results if I work with you?

You are 100% responsible for the results you get from our time together.  I am incredibly resourceful, adept, and skilled at guiding you back to your wholeness, and will promise to show up 100%.

"I wanted to thank you for sharing your wonderful wisdom and insight. You possess such a rare, caring, and compassionate energy. You always had a way of making me feel very safe and cared for during our sessions, which made it so easy to open up and be receptive. You have positively impacted my life in such a huge way.”


"Lana is genuinely amazing! Her giving nature, patience, honesty, and wisdom are all gifts she offers to help you discover the best version of yourself. She takes the time to get to know your needs, desires, goals, and aspirations. She is open and giving with her words, smile and advice; she really hears you.

Michele Cormier

"Lana's class leaves us all inspired, uplifted, and regenerated. Meeting with a group of like-minded women who are searching for a higher self has been so refreshing and comforting. I feel we have created deep and meaningful relationships through our sharing, acceptance, and love. "Leaps and Bounds" is how I best express how Lana's class has propelled me to grow and change like I never imagined. Thank you, Lana."

Robin Smith

"Taking your class has been a blessing for me. I'm learning so much about myself and what possibilities are available to me. As strange as it sounds, it's like I'm learning a whole new language, self-fulfillment, and self-expression. Over the years, I have become afraid of expressing my true thoughts and feelings to anyone. I even had a hard time expressing them to myself by journaling. This class is teaching me how. For the first time in over 7 years, I am feeling positive, happy, and strong. Thank you!"

Pam Lehman

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